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const val ACCEPT_PARENT_COOKIES: Boolean = false

Whether or not a replicator only accepts cookies for the sender's parent domains

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const val CONTINUOUS: Boolean = false

One-shot replication is used, and will stop once all initial changes are processed

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const val ENABLE_AUTO_PURGE: Boolean = true

Purge documents when a user loses access

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const val HEARTBEAT: Int = 300

A heartbeat messages is sent every 300 seconds to keep the connection alive

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const val MAX_ATTEMPT_WAIT_TIME: Int = 300

Max wait time between retry attempts in seconds

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When replicator is continuous, never give up unless explicitly stopped

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When replicator is not continuous, after 10 failed attempts give up on the replication

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Whether or not a replicator only accepts self-signed certificates from the remote

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Perform bidirectional replication