
open class Fragment(source)

Fragment provides readonly access to data value. Fragment also provides subscript access by either key or index to the nested values which are wrapped by Fragment objects.



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open val array: Array?

Get the value as an Array, a mapping object of an array value. Returns null if the value is null, or the value is not an array.

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open val blob: Blob?

Get the value as a Blob. Returns null if the value is null, or the value is not a Blob.

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open val boolean: Boolean

Gets the value as a boolean. Returns true if the value is not null, and is either true or a nonzero number.

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open val date: Instant?

Gets the value as a date. JSON does not directly support dates, so the actual property value must be a string, which is then parsed according to the ISO-8601 date format (the default used in JSON.) Returns null if the value is null, is not a string, or is not parseable as a date. NOTE: This is not a generic date parser! It only recognizes the ISO-8601 format, with or without milliseconds.

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Get a property’s value as a Dictionary, a mapping object of a dictionary value. Returns null if the value is null, or the value is not a dictionary.

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open val double: Double

Gets the value as a double. Integers will be converted to double. The value true is returned as 1.0, false as 0.0. Returns 0.0 if the value is null or is not a numeric value.

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Checks whether the value held by the fragment object exists or is null value or not.

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open val float: Float

Gets the value as a float. Integers will be converted to float. The value true is returned as 1.0, false as 0.0. Returns 0.0 if the value is null or is not a numeric value.

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open val int: Int

Gets the value as an int. Floating point values will be rounded. The value true is returned as 1, false as 0. Returns 0 if the value is null or is not a numeric value.

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open val long: Long

Gets the value as a long. Floating point values will be rounded. The value true is returned as 1, false as 0. Returns 0 if the value is null or is not a numeric value.

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open val number: Number?

Gets the value as a Number. Returns null if the value doesn't exist, or its value is not a Number.

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open val string: String?

Gets the value as a string. Returns null if the value is null, or the value is not a string.

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open val value: Any?

Gets the fragment value. The value types are Blob, Array, Dictionary, Number, or String based on the underlying data type; or null if the value is null.


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open operator fun get(index: Int): Fragment

Subscript access to a Fragment object by index.

open operator fun get(key: String): Fragment

Subscript access to a Fragment object by key.