
expect fun delete(document: Document)(source)

Delete a document from the collection. The default concurrency control, lastWriteWins, will be used when there is conflict during delete. If the document doesn't exist in the collection, the NotFound error will be thrown.

When deleting a document that already belongs to a collection, the collection instance of the document and this collection instance must be the same, otherwise, the InvalidParameter error will be thrown.

expect fun delete(document: Document, concurrencyControl: ConcurrencyControl): Boolean(source)

Delete a document from the collection with a specified concurrency control. When specifying the failOnConflict concurrency control, and conflict occurred, the delete operation will fail with 'false' value returned.

When deleting a document, the collection instance of the document and this collection instance must be the same, otherwise, the InvalidParameter error will be thrown.

actual fun delete(document: Document)(source)
actual fun delete(document: Document)(source)
actual fun delete(document: Document, concurrencyControl: ConcurrencyControl): Boolean(source)