
A Collection is a container for documents similar to a table in a relational database. Collections are grouped into namespaces called scopes and have a unique name within that scope.

Every database contains a default collection named "_default" (the constant Collection.DEFAULT_NAME) in the default scope (also named "_default", the constant Scope.DEFAULT_NAME)

While creating a new collection requires the name of the collection and the name of its scope, there are convenience methods that take only the name of the collection and create the collection in the default scope.

The naming rules for collections and scopes are as follows:

  • Must be between 1 and 251 characters in length.

  • Can only contain the characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and the symbols _, -, and %.

  • Cannot start with _ or %.

  • Both scope and collection names are case-sensitive.

Collection objects are only valid during the time the database that contains them is open. An attempt to use a collection that belongs to a closed database will throw an IllegalStateException. An application can hold references to multiple instances of a single database. Under these circumstances, it is possible that a collection will be deleted in one instance before an attempt to use it in another. Such an attempt will also cause an IllegalStateException to be thrown.

Collections are AutoCloseable. While garbage collection will manage them correctly, developers are strongly encouraged to use them in try-with-resources blocks or to close them explicitly, after use.

actual class Collection : DelegatedClass<<Error class: unknown class>> , AutoCloseable(source)


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expect object Companion
actual object Companion
actual object Companion


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expect val count: Long

The number of documents in the collection.

actual val count: Long
actual val count: Long
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expect val database: Database


actual val database: Database
actual val database: Database
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expect val fullName: String

The collection name, prefixed by scope: "scope.collection"

actual val fullName: String
actual val fullName: String
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expect val indexes: Set<String>

Get a list of the names of indices in the collection.

actual val indexes: Set<String>
actual val indexes: Set<String>
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expect val name: String

The collection name

actual val name: String
actual val name: String
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expect val scope: Scope


actual val scope: Scope
actual val scope: Scope


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Add a change listener to listen to change events occurring to any documents in the collection. To remove the listener, call remove() function on the returned listener token.

Add a change listener to listen to change events occurring to any documents in the collection.

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Add a change listener to listen to change events occurring to a document of the given document id. To remove the listener, call remove() function on the returned listener token.

Add a change listener to listen to change events occurring to a document of the given document id.

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expect open override fun close()
actual open override fun close()
actual open override fun close()
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A Flow of Collection changes.

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expect fun createIndex(name: String, index: Index)
expect fun createIndex(name: String, config: IndexConfiguration)

Add an index to the collection.

actual fun createIndex(name: String, index: Index)
actual fun createIndex(name: String, config: IndexConfiguration)
actual fun createIndex(name: String, index: Index)
actual fun createIndex(name: String, config: IndexConfiguration)
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expect fun delete(document: Document)

Delete a document from the collection. The default concurrency control, lastWriteWins, will be used when there is conflict during delete. If the document doesn't exist in the collection, the NotFound error will be thrown.

expect fun delete(document: Document, concurrencyControl: ConcurrencyControl): Boolean

Delete a document from the collection with a specified concurrency control. When specifying the failOnConflict concurrency control, and conflict occurred, the delete operation will fail with 'false' value returned.

actual fun delete(document: Document)
actual fun delete(document: Document)
actual fun delete(document: Document, concurrencyControl: ConcurrencyControl): Boolean
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expect fun deleteIndex(name: String)

Delete the named index from the collection.

actual fun deleteIndex(name: String)
actual fun deleteIndex(name: String)
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fun Collection.documentChangeFlow(documentId: String, coroutineContext: CoroutineContext? = null): Flow<DocumentChange>

A Flow of document changes

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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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Gets document fragment object by the given document ID.

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expect fun getDocument(id: String): Document?

Gets an existing Document object with the given ID. If the document with the given ID doesn't exist in the collection, the value returned will be null.

actual fun getDocument(id: String): Document?
actual fun getDocument(id: String): Document?
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Get the expiration date set to the document of the given id.

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open override fun hashCode(): Int
open override fun hashCode(): Int
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expect fun purge(document: Document)

When purging a document, the collection instance of the document and this collection instance must be the same, otherwise, the InvalidParameter error will be thrown.

expect fun purge(id: String)

Purge a document by id from the collection. If the document doesn't exist in the collection, the NotFound error will be thrown.

actual fun purge(document: Document)
actual fun purge(id: String)
actual fun purge(document: Document)
actual fun purge(id: String)
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expect fun save(document: MutableDocument)

Save a document into the collection. The default concurrency control, lastWriteWins, will be used when there is conflict during save.

expect fun save(document: MutableDocument, concurrencyControl: ConcurrencyControl): Boolean

Save a document into the collection with a specified concurrency control. When specifying the failOnConflict concurrency control, and conflict occurred, the save operation will fail with 'false' value returned. When saving a document that already belongs to a collection, the collection instance of the document and this collection instance must be the same, otherwise, the InvalidParameter error will be thrown.

expect fun save(document: MutableDocument, conflictHandler: ConflictHandler): Boolean

Save a document into the collection with a specified conflict handler. The specified conflict handler will be called if there is conflict during save. If the conflict handler returns 'false', the save operation will be canceled with 'false' value returned.

actual fun save(document: MutableDocument)
actual fun save(document: MutableDocument, conflictHandler: ConflictHandler): Boolean
actual fun save(document: MutableDocument)
actual fun save(document: MutableDocument, concurrencyControl: ConcurrencyControl): Boolean
actual fun save(document: MutableDocument, conflictHandler: ConflictHandler): Boolean
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expect fun setDocumentExpiration(id: String, expiration: Instant?)

Set an expiration date to the document of the given id. Setting a nil date will clear the expiration.

actual fun setDocumentExpiration(id: String, expiration: Instant?)
actual fun setDocumentExpiration(id: String, expiration: Instant?)
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open override fun toString(): String
open override fun toString(): String