
expect class MessageEndpoint(uid: String, target: Any?, protocolType: ProtocolType, delegate: MessageEndpointDelegate) : Endpoint(source)


Message endpoint.

actual class MessageEndpoint(uid: String, target: Any?, protocolType: ProtocolType, delegate: MessageEndpointDelegate) : Endpoint(source)


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expect constructor(uid: String, target: Any?, protocolType: ProtocolType, delegate: MessageEndpointDelegate)
actual constructor(uid: String, target: Any?, protocolType: ProtocolType, delegate: MessageEndpointDelegate)


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Gets the delegate object used for creating MessageEndpointConnection objects.

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Gets the data transportation protocol of the endpoint.

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expect val target: Any?

The target object which is an arbitrary object that represents the endpoint.

actual val target: Any?
actual val target: Any?
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expect val uid: String

The unique identifier of the endpoint.

actual val uid: String
actual val uid: String


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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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open override fun toString(): String