Configuration for a Replicator
The Authenticator to authenticate with a remote target.
A set of Sync Gateway channel names to pull from. Ignored for push replication. The default value is null, meaning that all accessible channels will be pulled. Note: channels that are not accessible to the user will be ignored by Sync Gateway.
Return the conflict resolver.
A set of document IDs to filter by: if not nil, only documents with these IDs will be pushed and/or pulled.
The option to remove a restriction that does not allow a replicator to accept cookies from a remote host unless the cookie domain exactly matches the domain of the sender. For instance, when the option is set to false (the default), and the remote host, “”, sends a cookie for the domain “”, the replicator will reject it. If the option is set true, however, the replicator will accept it. This is, in general, dangerous: a host might, for instance, set a cookie for the domain ".com". It is safe only when the replicator is connecting only to known hosts. The default value of this option is false: parent-domain cookies are not accepted
Enable/disable auto-purge. Default is enabled.
Return the continuous flag indicating whether the replicator should stay active indefinitely to replicate changed documents.
Return the max number of retry attempts made after connection failure.
Return the max time between retry attempts (exponential backoff).
Return the remote target's SSL certificate.
Gets a filter object for validating whether the documents can be pulled from the remote endpoint.
Gets a filter object for validating whether the documents can be pushed to the remote endpoint.
Return Replicator type indicating the direction of the replicator.
Create a ReplicatorConfiguration, overriding the receiver's values with the passed parameters:
The option to remove a restriction that does not allow a replicator to accept cookies from a remote host unless the cookie domain exactly matches the domain of the sender. For instance, when the option is set to false (the default), and the remote host, “”, sends a cookie for the domain “”, the replicator will reject it. If the option is set true, however, the replicator will accept it. This is, in general, dangerous: a host might, for instance, set a cookie for the domain ".com". It is safe only when the replicator is connecting only to known hosts. The default value of this option is false: parent-domain cookies are not accepted
Sets the authenticator to authenticate with a remote target server. Currently, there are two types of the authenticators, BasicAuthenticator and SessionAuthenticator, supported.
Enable/disable auto-purge.
Sets a set of Sync Gateway channel names to pull from. Ignored for push replication. If unset, all accessible channels will be pulled. Note: channels that are not accessible to the user will be ignored by Sync Gateway.
Sets the conflict resolver.
Sets whether the replicator stays active indefinitely to replicate changed documents. The default value is false, which means that the replicator will stop after it finishes replicating the changed documents.
Sets a set of document IDs to filter by: if given, only documents with these IDs will be pushed and/or pulled.
Sets the extra HTTP headers to send in all requests to the remote target.
Set the heartbeat interval, in seconds. Set to 0 for default values
Set the max number of retry attempts made after a connection failure. Set to 0 for default values. Set to 1 for no retries.
Set the max time between retry attempts (exponential backoff). Set to 0 for default values.
Sets the target server's SSL certificate.
Sets a filter object for validating whether the documents can be pulled from the remote endpoint. Only documents for which the object returns true are replicated.
Sets a filter object for validating whether the documents can be pushed to the remote endpoint.
Sets the replicator type indicating the direction of the replicator. The default value is .pushAndPull which is bi-directional.