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Get a property's value as an Array, which is a mapping object of an array value. Returns null if the property doesn't exist, or its value is not an array.

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Get a property's value as a Dictionary, which is a mapping object of a dictionary value. Returns null if the property doesn't exist, or its value is not a dictionary.

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Removes the mapping for a key from this Dictionary

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fun setArray(key: String, value: Array?): MutableDocument

Set an Array value for the given key

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fun setBlob(key: String, value: Blob?): MutableDocument

Set a Blob value for the given key

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Set a boolean value for the given key

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Populate a document with content from a Map. Allowed value types are List, Date, Map, Number, null, String, Array, Blob, and Dictionary. If present, Lists, Maps and Dictionaries may contain only the above types. Setting the document content will replace the current data including the existing Array and Dictionary objects.

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Set a Date value for the given key

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Set a Dictionary value for the given key

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Set a double value for the given key

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Set a float value for the given key

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fun setInt(key: String, value: Int): MutableDocument

Set an integer value for the given key

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Populate a document with content from a JSON string. Allowed value types are List, Date, Map, Number, null, String, Array, Blob, and Dictionary. If present, Lists, Maps and Dictionaries may contain only the above types. Setting the document content will replace the current data including the existing Array and Dictionary objects.

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fun setLong(key: String, value: Long): MutableDocument

Set a long value for the given key

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Set a Number value for the given key

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Set a String value for the given key

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fun setValue(key: String, value: Any?): MutableDocument

Set an object value by key. Allowed value types are List, Date, Map, Number, null, String, Array, Blob, and Dictionary. If present, Lists, Maps and Dictionaries may contain only the above types. A Date object will be converted to an ISO-8601 format string.

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infix fun <T> T)

Determines the key-to-value relation between the receiver string and the provided value.