Adds a change listener for the changes that occur in the query results.
Adds a change listener for the changes that occur in the query results with a CoroutineContext that will be used to launch coroutines the listener will be called on. Coroutines will be launched in a CoroutineScope that is canceled when the listener is removed.
Adds a change listener for the changes that occur in the query results with a CoroutineScope that will be used to launch coroutines the listener will be called on. The listener is removed when the scope is canceled.
Returns a string describing the implementation of the compiled query. This is intended to be read by a developer for purposes of optimizing the query, especially to add database indexes. It's not machine-readable and its format may change. As currently implemented, the result is two or more lines separated by newline characters:
Creates and chains a Limit object to limit the number query results.
Creates and chains a Limit object to skip the returned results for the given offset position and to limit the number of results to not more than the given limit value.
A Flow of query changes.
Removes a change listener wih the given listener token.