Package-level declarations


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inline fun all(): SelectResult.From
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infix inline fun Expression.and(other: Expression): Expression
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fun Query.asFlow(coroutineContext: CoroutineContext? = null): Flow<ResultSet>

Returns a Flow that emits the Query ResultSet every time the underlying data set changes.

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fun <T : Any> Query.asObjectsFlow(coroutineContext: CoroutineContext? = null, factory: (String) -> T?): Flow<List<T>>
fun <T : Any> Query.asObjectsFlow(coroutineContext: CoroutineContext? = null, factory: (Map<String, Any?>) -> T?): Flow<List<T>>

Returns a Flow that maps the Query ResultSet to instances of a class that can be created using the given factory lambda.

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inline fun Expression.between(lower: Instant, upper: Instant): Expression

Create a between expression that evaluates whether or not the current expression is between the given dates inclusively.

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Binds the Replicator instance to the given Lifecycle.

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infix inline fun Expression.contains(value: String): Expression

Creates an ARRAY_CONTAINS(expr, value) function that checks whether the current array expression contains the given value or not.

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inline fun ResultSet.countResult(): Long

Read count result from selectCount.

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A flow of a document's current state. Emits null if document is deleted. filterNotNull if this is undesired.

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inline fun Expression.equalTo(boolean: Boolean): Expression
inline fun Expression.equalTo(double: Double): Expression
inline fun Expression.equalTo(float: Float): Expression
inline fun Expression.equalTo(int: Int): Expression
inline fun Expression.equalTo(long: Long): Expression
inline fun Expression.equalTo(string: String): Expression
inline fun Expression.equalTo(list: List<Any>): Expression
inline fun Expression.equalTo(map: Map<String, Any?>): Expression
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infix inline fun FromRouter.from(database: Database): From
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fun fullTextIndex(vararg properties: String): FullTextIndex

Create a full-text search index with the given properties to be used to perform the match operation against with.

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inline fun Expression.lessThan(boolean: Boolean): Expression
inline fun Expression.lessThan(double: Double): Expression
inline fun Expression.lessThan(float: Float): Expression
inline fun Expression.lessThan(int: Int): Expression
inline fun Expression.lessThan(long: Long): Expression
inline fun Expression.lessThan(string: String): Expression
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inline fun Boolean): Expression
inline fun Double): Expression
inline fun Float): Expression
inline fun Int): Expression
inline fun Long): Expression
inline fun String): Expression
inline fun Instant): Expression
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inline fun LimitRouter.limit(count: Int, offset: Int? = null): Limit
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fun <T : Any> Flow<QueryChange>.mapToObjects(factory: (String) -> T?): Flow<List<T>>
fun <T : Any> Flow<QueryChange>.mapToObjects(factory: (Map<String, Any?>) -> T?): Flow<List<T>>
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Creates a new MutableDocument with the key-value entries specified by the given block function.

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inline fun not(expression: Expression): Expression
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infix inline fun Expression.notContains(value: String): Expression

Creates a NOT ARRAY_CONTAINS(expr, value) expression that checks whether the current array expression contains the given value or not and returns the negated result.

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infix inline fun Expression.or(other: Expression): Expression
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inline fun OrderByRouter.orderBy(builder: OrderByBuilder.() -> Unit): OrderBy
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inline fun select(vararg expressions: SelectResult): Select
inline fun select(vararg keys: String): Select

fun select(expression: Expression, vararg expressions: Expression): Select

Commonly used for select( to get a document's ID, or other metadata or expressions.

fun select(expression: Expression, result: SelectResult, vararg results: SelectResult): Select

Commonly used for select(, all()) to get all of the document, including ID.

fun select(expression: Expression, property: String, vararg properties: String): Select

Commonly used for select(, "foo", "bar") to get a document's ID along with a set of fields.

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fun selectCount(alias: String = ""): Select


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inline fun <T : Any> ResultSet.toObjects(factory: (String) -> T?): List<T>
inline fun <T : Any> ResultSet.toObjects(factory: (Map<String, Any?>) -> T?): List<T>

Maps the ResultSet to a List of objects that are created using the given factory lambda.

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fun valueIndex(vararg properties: String): ValueIndex

Create a value index with the given properties to be indexed.

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infix inline fun WhereRouter.where(builder: WhereBuilder.() -> Expression): Where