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Creates a SelectResult that contains values for all properties matching the query. The result is a single CBLMutableDictionary whose key is the name of the data source.

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infix fun String): DataSource

Set an alias to the collection as a data source.

infix fun String): DataSource

Set an alias to the database as a data source.

infix fun String): SelectResult.As

Specifies the alias for the Expression as a SelectResult object.

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fun Query.asFlow(coroutineContext: CoroutineContext? = null): Flow<ResultSet>

Returns a Flow that emits the Query ResultSet every time the underlying data set changes.

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fun <T : Any> Query.asObjectsFlow(factory: (String) -> T?): Flow<List<T>>
fun <T : Any> Query.asObjectsFlow(factory: (Map<String, Any?>) -> T?): Flow<List<T>>
fun <T : Any> Query.asObjectsFlow(coroutineContext: CoroutineContext?, factory: (String) -> T?): Flow<List<T>>
fun <T : Any> Query.asObjectsFlow(coroutineContext: CoroutineContext?, factory: (Map<String, Any?>) -> T?): Flow<List<T>>

Returns a Flow that maps the Query ResultSet to instances of a class that can be created using the given factory lambda.

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inline fun Expression.between(lower: Instant, upper: Instant): Expression

Create a between expression that evaluates whether or not the current expression is between the given dates inclusively.

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Binds the Replicator instance to the given Lifecycle.

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infix inline fun Expression.contains(value: String): Expression

Creates an ARRAY_CONTAINS(expr, value) function that checks whether the current array expression contains the given value or not.

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inline fun ResultSet.countResult(): Long

Read count result from selectCount.

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operator fun Expression.div(expression: Expression): Expression
operator fun Expression.div(value: Double): Expression
operator fun Expression.div(value: Float): Expression
operator fun Expression.div(value: Int): Expression
operator fun Expression.div(value: Long): Expression
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fun Collection.documentFlow(id: String, fetchContext: CoroutineContext = Dispatchers.IO): Flow<Document?>

A flow of a document's current state. Emits null if document is deleted. filterNotNull if this is undesired.

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infix fun Expression.equalTo(boolean: Boolean): Expression
infix fun Expression.equalTo(double: Double): Expression
infix fun Expression.equalTo(float: Float): Expression
infix fun Expression.equalTo(int: Int): Expression
infix fun Expression.equalTo(long: Long): Expression
infix fun Expression.equalTo(string: String): Expression
infix fun Expression.equalTo(list: List<Any>): Expression

Create an equal to expression that evaluates whether or not the current expression is equal to the given expression.

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infix fun FromRouter.from(collection: Collection): From
infix fun FromRouter.from(database: Database): From

Create and chain a FROM component for specifying the query's data source.

infix fun String.from(fromAlias: String): Expression

Specifies an alias name of the data source to query the property data from.

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fun fullTextIndex(vararg properties: String): FullTextIndex

Create a full-text search index with the given properties to be used to perform the match operation against with.

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Create a greater than expression that evaluates whether or not the current expression is greater than the given expression.

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Create a greater than or equal to expression that evaluates whether or not the current expression is greater than or equal to the given expression.

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fun GroupByRouter.groupBy(vararg properties: String): GroupBy

Create and chain a GroupBy object to group the query result.

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infix fun Expression.lessThan(boolean: Boolean): Expression
infix fun Expression.lessThan(double: Double): Expression
infix fun Expression.lessThan(float: Float): Expression
infix fun Expression.lessThan(string: String): Expression

Create a less than expression that evaluates whether or not the current expression is less than the given expression.

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Create a less than or equal to expression that evaluates whether or not the current expression is less than or equal to the given expression.

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infix fun Boolean): Expression
infix fun Double): Expression
infix fun Float): Expression
infix fun Int): Expression
infix fun Long): Expression
infix fun String): Expression
infix fun Instant): Expression

Create a Like expression that evaluates whether or not the current expression is LIKE the given expression.

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fun LimitRouter.limit(limit: Int, offset: Int? = null): Limit

Creates and chains a Limit object to skip the returned results for the given offset position and to limit the number of results to not more than the given limit value.

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fun <T : Any> Flow<QueryChange>.mapToObjects(factory: (String) -> T?): Flow<List<T>>
fun <T : Any> Flow<QueryChange>.mapToObjects(factory: (Map<String, Any?>) -> T?): Flow<List<T>>
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operator fun Expression.minus(expression: Expression): Expression
operator fun Expression.minus(value: Double): Expression
operator fun Expression.minus(value: Float): Expression
operator fun Expression.minus(value: Int): Expression
operator fun Expression.minus(value: Long): Expression
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fun mutableArrayOf(vararg values: Any?): MutableArray

Creates a new MutableArray with content from the passed values. Allowed value types are List, Instant, Map, Number, null, String, Array, Blob, and Dictionary. If present, Lists, Arrays, Maps and Dictionaries may contain only the above types.

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Creates a new MutableDictionary with content from the passed key/value pairs. Allowed value types are List, Instant, Map, Number, null, String, Array, Blob, and Dictionary. If present, Lists, Arrays, Maps and Dictionaries may contain only the above types.

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fun mutableDocOf(vararg pairs: Pair<String, Any?>): MutableDocument

Creates a new Document with a new random UUID and the key/value pairs as the content. Allowed value types are List, Instant, Map, Number, null, String, Array, Blob, and Dictionary. If present, Lists, Arrays, Maps and Dictionaries may contain only the above types. The created document will be saved into a database when you call with this document object.

fun mutableDocOf(id: String?, vararg pairs: Pair<String, Any?>): MutableDocument

Creates a new Document with a given ID and content from the passed key/value pairs. If the id is null, the document will be created with a new random UUID. Allowed value types are List, Instant, Map, Number, null, String, Array, Blob, and Dictionary. The List and Map must contain only the above types. The created document will be saved into a database when you call the Database's save(Document) method with the document object given.

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Creates a new MutableDocument with the key-value entries specified by the given block function.

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fun not(expression: Expression): Expression

Create a negated expression to represent the negated result of the given expression.

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infix inline fun Expression.notContains(value: String): Expression

Creates a NOT ARRAY_CONTAINS(expr, value) expression that checks whether the current array expression contains the given value or not and returns the negated result.

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Create a NOT equal to expression that evaluates whether or not the current expression is not equal to the given expression.

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infix fun OrderByRouter.orderBy(builder: OrderByBuilder.() -> Unit): OrderBy

Create and chain an ORDER BY component for specifying the ORDER BY clause of the query.

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operator fun Expression): Expression
operator fun Double): Expression
operator fun Float): Expression
operator fun Int): Expression
operator fun Long): Expression
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Create a property expression representing the value of the given property.

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operator fun Expression.rem(expression: Expression): Expression
operator fun Expression.rem(value: Double): Expression
operator fun Expression.rem(value: Float): Expression
operator fun Expression.rem(value: Int): Expression
operator fun Expression.rem(value: Long): Expression
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fun select(vararg results: SelectResult): Select
fun select(vararg properties: String): Select
fun select(expression: Expression, vararg expressions: Expression): Select
fun select(expression: Expression, result: SelectResult, vararg results: SelectResult): Select
fun select(expression: Expression, property: String, vararg properties: String): Select

Create a SELECT statement instance that you can use further (e.g. calling the from() function) to construct the complete query statement.

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fun selectCount(alias: String = ""): Select


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fun selectDistinct(vararg results: SelectResult): Select
fun selectDistinct(vararg properties: String): Select
fun selectDistinct(expression: Expression, vararg expressions: Expression): Select
fun selectDistinct(expression: Expression, result: SelectResult, vararg results: SelectResult): Select
fun selectDistinct(expression: Expression, property: String, vararg properties: String): Select

Create a SELECT DISTINCT statement instance that you can use further (e.g. calling the from() function) to construct the complete query statement.

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operator fun Expression.times(expression: Expression): Expression
operator fun Expression.times(value: Double): Expression
operator fun Expression.times(value: Float): Expression
operator fun Expression.times(value: Int): Expression
operator fun Expression.times(value: Long): Expression
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inline fun <T : Any> ResultSet.toObjects(factory: (String) -> T?): List<T>
inline fun <T : Any> ResultSet.toObjects(factory: (Map<String, Any?>) -> T?): List<T>

Maps the ResultSet to a List of objects that are created using the given factory lambda.

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fun valueIndex(vararg properties: String): ValueIndex

Create a value index with the given properties to be indexed.

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infix fun WhereRouter.where(builder: WhereBuilder.() -> Expression): Where

Create and chain a WHERE component for specifying the WHERE clause of the query.