
expect class Select : Query, FromRouter(source)

Select represents the SELECT clause of the query for specifying the properties in each query result row.

actual class Select : DelegatedClass<<Error class: unknown class>> , Query, FromRouter(source)
actual class Select : Query, FromRouter(source)


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expect open override var parameters: Parameters?

A copy of the current parameters.

open override var parameters: Parameters?

A copy of the current parameters.

open override var parameters: Parameters?


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expect open override fun addChangeListener(listener: QueryChangeListener): ListenerToken

Adds a change listener for the changes that occur in the query results.

expect open override fun addChangeListener(context: CoroutineContext, listener: QueryChangeSuspendListener): ListenerToken

Adds a change listener for the changes that occur in the query results with a CoroutineContext that will be used to launch coroutines the listener will be called on. Coroutines will be launched in a CoroutineScope that is canceled when the listener is removed.

expect open override fun addChangeListener(scope: CoroutineScope, listener: QueryChangeSuspendListener)

Adds a change listener for the changes that occur in the query results with a CoroutineScope that will be used to launch coroutines the listener will be called on. The listener is removed when the scope is canceled.

Adds a change listener for the changes that occur in the query results.

Adds a change listener for the changes that occur in the query results with a CoroutineContext that will be used to launch coroutines the listener will be called on. Coroutines will be launched in a CoroutineScope that is canceled when the listener is removed.

open override fun addChangeListener(scope: CoroutineScope, listener: QueryChangeSuspendListener)

Adds a change listener for the changes that occur in the query results with a CoroutineScope that will be used to launch coroutines the listener will be called on. The listener is removed when the scope is canceled.

open override fun addChangeListener(context: CoroutineContext, listener: suspend (change: QueryChange) -> Unit): ListenerToken
open override fun addChangeListener(scope: CoroutineScope, listener: suspend (change: QueryChange) -> Unit)
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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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expect open override fun execute(): ResultSet

Executes the query returning a result set that enumerates result rows one at a time. You can run the query any number of times, and you can even have multiple ResultSet active at once.

open override fun execute(): ResultSet

Executes the query returning a result set that enumerates result rows one at a time. You can run the query any number of times, and you can even have multiple ResultSet active at once.

open override fun execute(): ResultSet
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expect open override fun explain(): String

Returns a string describing the implementation of the compiled query. This is intended to be read by a developer for purposes of optimizing the query, especially to add database indexes. It's not machine-readable and its format may change. As currently implemented, the result is two or more lines separated by newline characters:

open override fun explain(): String

Returns a string describing the implementation of the compiled query. This is intended to be read by a developer for purposes of optimizing the query, especially to add database indexes. It's not machine-readable and its format may change. As currently implemented, the result is two or more lines separated by newline characters:

open override fun explain(): String
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expect open infix override fun from(dataSource: DataSource): From

Create and chain a FROM component for specifying the query's data source.

actual open infix override fun from(dataSource: DataSource): From

Create and chain a FROM component for specifying the query's data source.

actual open infix override fun from(dataSource: DataSource): From
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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fun Query.queryChangeFlow(coroutineContext: CoroutineContext? = null): Flow<QueryChange>

A Flow of query changes.

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expect open override fun removeChangeListener(token: ListenerToken)

Removes a change listener wih the given listener token.

open override fun removeChangeListener(token: ListenerToken)

Removes a change listener wih the given listener token.

open override fun removeChangeListener(token: ListenerToken)
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open override fun toString(): String