Package-level declarations


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@JvmName(name = "QueryPagingSourceString")
fun <RowType : Any> QueryPagingSource(context: CoroutineContext, select: Select, database: Database, mapper: (String) -> RowType): PagingSource<Int, RowType>
fun <RowType : Any> QueryPagingSource(context: CoroutineContext, select: Select, database: Database, mapper: (Map<String, Any?>) -> RowType): PagingSource<Int, RowType>

Create a PagingSource that pages through all results from the database.

@JvmName(name = "QueryPagingSourceStringWithQuery")
fun <RowType : Any> QueryPagingSource(context: CoroutineContext, select: Select, collection: Collection, mapper: (String) -> RowType, queryProvider: From.() -> LimitRouter): PagingSource<Int, RowType>
@JvmName(name = "QueryPagingSourceWithQuery")
fun <RowType : Any> QueryPagingSource(context: CoroutineContext, select: Select, collection: Collection, mapper: (Map<String, Any?>) -> RowType, queryProvider: From.() -> LimitRouter): PagingSource<Int, RowType>

Create a PagingSource that pages through results according to queries generated by queryProvider. queryProvider receives a SELECT FROM collection and should append any necessary SQL JOIN, WHERE, ORDER BY, and GROUP BY clauses.

@JvmName(name = "QueryPagingSourceStringWithQuery")
fun <RowType : Any> QueryPagingSource(context: CoroutineContext, select: Select, database: Database, mapper: (String) -> RowType, queryProvider: From.() -> LimitRouter): PagingSource<Int, RowType>
@JvmName(name = "QueryPagingSourceWithQuery")
fun <RowType : Any> QueryPagingSource(context: CoroutineContext, select: Select, database: Database, mapper: (Map<String, Any?>) -> RowType, queryProvider: From.() -> LimitRouter): PagingSource<Int, RowType>

Create a PagingSource that pages through results according to queries generated by queryProvider. queryProvider receives a SELECT FROM database and should append any necessary SQL JOIN, WHERE, ORDER BY, and GROUP BY clauses.